Upcoming Books

Pieces of Us: Book 2 of Pieces: The Duet

May 22

Monza (Formula Men)


Loving Lily (Lily's Mistake)

July 17

Chasing Mrs. Knightly (Epilogue) 

August 4

Unveiled (Torn Series #6) 

November  19

Lindsey & Dimitris 

Chasing Forever (Chasing Series #4)  November 25

Lucy & Toby's Book

Fixated On You (Torn Series #5) September 28

Chasing Paradise June 30 

My Summer in Venice June/July

Scorned July 2013

Fixated On You August 2013


  1. Im in love with the Chasing Series!! I fantasize that I'm Sienna and that Chad and I tak lots of sexy pjcs and that we have a dance for every song in our playlists...especially Yonce/Partition

  2. Where is the book loving lily, it was due out back in July, has the date changed
